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中国风险投资网 > 投资要闻 > 16岁少年是如何赚得百万美金


2011年01月10日 02:05
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发布者:[Venture Capital]  TAGs:[少年 如何赚钱 百万美金 赚钱 美金 ]  


The British teen—who lives in Corby, Northamptonshire—got his first computer age seven. Three years later he got a Mac and taught himself web design. Four years later—at age 14, in 2008—he started his first company. It was a simple site that some of you may know: Mac Bundle Box. The site was pretty, rooted into Apple's own design guidelines and style.

这位来自北安普顿郡Corby的英国少年,在7岁的时候得到了自己的第一台电脑,3年后有了一台苹果电脑,并且自学了网页设计。4年后,也就是2008年,14岁的他开始创办了自己的公司。这是一个简单的网站:Mac Bundle box,有些人或许已知道这个网站。这个植根于苹果设计理念及具有苹果风格的网站做的很漂亮。

The page sold a package of very neat Mac OS X applications for a discounted price and for a limited time. He would negotiate with the developers to get a discount deal on their apps. The resulting bundle had a combined retail value of around $400, but he would sell it for a tenth of that price.

这个网站上会限时打折销售用于MacOS X 操作系统一套非常简洁的应用程序包。他和程序开发者协商并达成以一定的折扣价拿到这套应用程序的协议。这套程序包的最终市场零售价约为400美元,但是他能做到以一折的价格销售这套产品。

Not only that: If enough people bought the package, a new application would get unlocked for all buyers, which guaranteed very good word-of-mouth promotion. And to top it all, Owens dedicated a percentage of all sales to charity.


The idea did well. Very well, in fact: In its first two years, Mac Bundle Box made $1,000,000 (700,000 British Pounds).

他的这些想法做得非常成功,事实上:Mac Bundle Box在最初的两年内就赚到了一百万美元(70万英镑)。

Not happy with that success, Owens jumped into a new venture called Branchr, a pay-per-click advertising company that distributes 300 million ads per month on over 17,500 websites, iPhone, and Android applications. The company, which claims to deliver "contextual, behavioral, publisher-defined, and geographically" targeted ads in those platforms, has already made $800,000 in its first year and employs eight adults including his 43-year-old mother, Alison.


He doesn't know where he would be in 10 years, but the next thing he wants to do is to make one hundred million British pounds with Branchr. He seems to be on his way to success. He claims his business is growing strong—Branchr has already bought another company—and he reinvests all the money back into the company.


His secret to success? There's no secret, he says:


    There is no magical formula to business, it takes hard work, determination and the drive to do something great.


In an age of idiotized kids who can't focus on anything, we salute you, Christian.
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