Obama will lay out the proposal, which would cost about $100 billion over the next decade, in a Sept. 8 speech on the economy in Cleveland, Ohio, according to two administration officials speaking on condition of anonymity before the announcement.
Obama has promised to roll out “new ideas” to boost growth and spur hiring as he focuses on the economy with less than two months until the November congressional elections.
The Labor Department reported last week that private payrolls climbed 67,000 in August, more than forecast, though the unemployment rate rose to 9.6 percent from 9.5 percent as more people looked for work.
Every president since Bill Clinton has backed a permanent extension of the research and development tax credit, which Congress only temporarily extends because of its high cost.
“The business community is on board for the R-and-D tax credit,” said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, on the CBS “Face the Nation” program. Still, he said Obama will “have to take some of the corporate tax benefits away to pay for it.”
“工商界支持对企业研发的税收优惠”穆迪市场分析部的首席经济学家Mark Zandi在哥伦比亚广播公司“面对全国”节目中说道。不过,他说,奥巴马将“不得不取消某些企业的税收优惠来弥补这项优惠。”
Laura D’Andrea Tyson, an economics professor at the University of California at Berkeley and member of Obama’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, said on CBS the research tax credit is “very important in terms of job creation over the longer term.” She also suggested a suspension of the payroll tax for businesses that hire new workers would have a more immediate impact.
加州大学伯克利分校经济学教授兼奥巴马经济复苏顾问委员会成员Laura D’Andrea Tyson,在哥伦比亚广播公司说道,企业研发的税收优惠“对长期创造就业机会方面是非常重要的。”她还建议暂免雇用新员工的企业的税收将有更立竿见影的效果。
Election-Year Politics
Obama’s proposal will run up against the congressional calendar as well as election-year politics. The Senate is scheduled to return to Washington Sept. 13 and the House the next day. Lawmakers will be at work for about three weeks before leaving again to campaign.
Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona said today he doubts Obama’s proposals will help Democrats in the congressional elections.
“They are just flailing around,” McCain, his party’s 2008 presidential nominee, said on the “Fox News Sunday” program. “If we had done this kind of thing nearly a couple of years ago we’d be in a lot better shape.”
“他们只是在摆姿态,”麦凯恩,共和党的2008年总统候选人,在“福克斯周日新闻”节目上说道。 “如果我们在几年前就做了采取了类似的措施,我们现在的情况会好很多。”
Obama and his economic team must balance the proposals against their own projections of a budget deficit that will hit a record $1.47 trillion this year and $1.42 trillion in 2011.
White House economic advisers are also considering additional measures, including more tax breaks for small businesses and new spending on infrastructure, according to congressional aides familiar with the discussions who spoke on condition of anonymity because talks are preliminary.
In addition to new measures that would spur hiring, the president last week again urged Congress to pass legislation to help small businesses, including $12 billion in tax breaks and $30 billion worth of aid to free up credit. The House has already passed the bill. Senate Republicans blocked the legislation before lawmakers left for their summer recess.
Todd McCracken, president of National Small Business Association, said today on CNN’s “State of the Union” the bill would free up credit for small companies at a low cost to the government. Such companies need access to credit to be able to “exploit the opportunities” to create new jobs, he said.
全国中小企业协会会长Todd McCracken在CNN的“国家联盟”节目中说道,该法案将使政府付出很低成本来为中小企业提供信贷。他说,这些企业需要获得信贷,以便能够“充分挖掘机会”来创造新的就业机会。
‘Pretty Grim’
“It’s pretty grim out there,” McCracken said. “A lot of small businesses do see some opportunities, but most of them are kind of in a stagnant or even a downward growth piece right now.”
“现在已经非常严峻了”McCracken说道, “很多中小企业看到了机会,但其中大多数现在还是停滞不前,甚至增长下滑。”
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, also on CNN, said more lending to small businesses and extending the research tax credit may not be enough. The U.S. needs to spend on long-term infrastructure projects to move the economy forward, he said.
美国劳工联合会-产业工会联合会主席Richard Trumka在也CNN说道,增加中小企业贷款和延长企业研发的税收优惠可能还是不够的。他说道,美国需要增加长期基础设施的投资以推动经济成长。
Obama also is seeking an extension of most of the income tax cuts passed under former President George W. Bush while letting the breaks expire for households making more than $250,000 annually. Republicans want to extend all the tax cuts and some Democrats have indicated they may resist letting the top rates rise.
Tax Increase
“This is the wrong time to increase taxes on anybody,” McCracken said. Though the tax for those earning more than $250,000 a year affects only a “fraction” of small businesses, those are the more successful ones that are more likely to be adding jobs, he said.
Trumka said the “vast majority” of new jobs are being created by the “other 97 percent” of small businesses that wouldn’t be affected by letting the highest earners’ tax cuts expire.
Extending 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for individuals earning less than $200,000 annually and families earning less than $250,000 -- about 98 percent of all taxpayers -- would cost $2.2 trillion in forgone revenue over the next decade, according to an analysis of government data released Sept. 2 by the Pew Economic Group.
根据皮尤经济小组对9月2日公布的政府数据的分析,不计算未来十年的财政收入,延长2001年和2003年的减税措施中针对个人收入低于20万美元和家庭年收入少于25万美元——约占全部纳税人的98%——的部分 将耗资2.2万亿美元。
Extending all of the tax cuts, including those for the wealthiest Americans, would cost $3.3 trillion over the same period, Pew’s analysis found.