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中国风险投资网 > 投资要闻 > 汇丰银行:强制分拆银行业务或使各大银行将总部迁出英国


2011年01月10日 02:05
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发布者:[Venture Capital]  TAGs:[汇丰银行 强制 银行业务 银行 英国 ]  


Stuart Gulliver, head of investment banking, said HSBC was "genuinely concerned" that a government appointed commission would recommend big banks must split retail banking from riskier investment banking.
Gulliver said it was "clearly possible" the Commission will recommend a break up, which could have implications for itself, Barclays and Standard Chartered .


"That has significant implications for where we may choose to headquarter our institution and that would probably also be the case for the other two institutions," Gulliver said at a conference held on Thursday, which was webcast.
"Our absolute wish is to stay here in the UK, but we won't know until we see how the Commission responds."


HSBC Chief Executive Michael Geoghegan moved to Hong Kong earlier this year to be in the bank's key region.


The CEO of Asia-focussed rival Standard Chartered warned last month that the rationale for keeping its headquarters in London was weakening as UK banks face being at a disadvantage to rivals on taxes, pay and regulation.


Gulliver also said he expects HSBC's annual profit in the Middle East, which plunged to $455 million (294 million pounds) last year from $1.7 billion in 2008 due to troubles in Dubai, should recover to between $1 billion and $1.2 billion by 2012 at the latest.


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