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中国风险投资网 > 风险投资家 > 梁晓刚


2011年02月13日 04:23

  Before joining Acer technology Ventures, during 1997 to 2000, Mr. Leung was a senior investment manager at Grand Pacific Capital Management in Singapore, managing the Hong Kong portfolio for its Greater China Fund. Prior to that, he worked in BT Brokerage & Associates in Singapore and Quest Stockbrokers in Hong Kong as a security analyst covering electronics and communications sectors. Mr. Leung has 10 years of cross-country experience in equity and investment analysis as well as portfolio management focusing on communications, IT and semiconductors.

  Mr. Leung holds a B. Eng (Hons) degree in Mechanical Engineering from Hong Kong Polytechnic University and a MBA degree from the University of Iowa. He is a CFA charter holder.


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