5. It's Microsoft all over again. If there is one company that Steve Jobs can't stand, it's Microsoft. The Windows maker has been a thorn in his side for years and the possibility of beating Ballmer and Company in any market really appeals to him. But now, with Android OS doing so well, Steve Jobs probably believes that he's facing Microsoft all over again. After all, Windows has long dominated on PC desktops, relegating the Mac OS to a distant second place in the industry. Now Google is trying to follow the same strategy with Android OS in the mobile market. That alone is probably not helping Steve Jobs warm to Google or Android.
如果问“史蒂夫·乔布斯最不能容忍的公司是哪家”?答案就是“微软”。Windows一直是多年来乔布斯的一块心病,任何能打败Ballmer(微软现任CEO)和微软的机会都能吸引到乔布斯的注意力。但是现在,随着Android操作系统的巨大成功,乔布斯感觉他正面临“另一个微软”的挑战,毕竟在PC桌面市场,Windows长期处于主导地位,而苹果的Mac OS被死死摁在行业第二的位置上。如今在移动市场上,Google的Android操作系统正试图遵循与Windows相同的策略,仅这一点就能让乔布斯对Google或Android冷眼相待了。